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We Need Days. Many.


We need a Day for forgetting those we remember. A Day for the coconut trees that slant towards the neighbour's yard. We need a Day to celebrate lukewarm mornings when Sun gets out late. A Delay Day for those  who can’t stand time. A Day for the teachers who teach more lessons. Let tomorrow be a Day for those rich who queue up for concessions during recessions. A Day for the mothers who wait for the return of the dead too. We need a Day for those upset with political triple speak. Another Day for the elite who are worried of their rights being denied. An international Day for those who walk umbrella-less in the Sun. We must fight for a Day for those women who wanted to worship at men-only altars and then piously decided otherwise. A Day for the runaway groom. We need a Day for the youth who don't rebel. A Global disobedience Day, to reinforce the need to orient the people regarding which side of the bread is buttered depending on who is in power, is the hour's need. We need a Day to mark the contributions of opportunist strollers on social madia. A Day for corona nay- sayers and isolation yeah-seekers. We need a Day to honour the legacy-tradition-honour tradition on our calendars. We need a Day for the drunk. We need a Day to debunk the rulers-get-rich-quick theory. We need a Day for the serious children. We need a Day for the woman who sweeps the floor and opens the door for the clerk to enter  to ready it for the boss to walk in. A door mat Day. We need a Day for those who eat fish and meat and veg together. We sure need a Day to celebrate our greater common failures (May be abbreviated as GCF Day) . An International Day for sympathy for the autocrats. We need  a National night walkers Day. We need a Day on which we honour the cloud gazers and gaze predictors too. A Day for children with disheveled hair must be established. A Day for those who decry corruption as a matter of principle while not in power must be on the cards. We need a Day for the fish sellers' assistants and the assistants' cats too. We need a Day for the turncoats and the turncoat-sponsors. A Day for the ubiquitous crow. A Day with the slogan 'my children, your country's future' too. We need a Day for the dishonest liars too. A Day we need for the spread of ‘your hero is my villain’ message.  We need a Day to mark our respect for the sacrifices of the MNCs. We need a Day for self made men. We need a Day for divorced dogs. We need a Day for the betterment of the procurement of dreams, crowd sourced and sanitized. A Day for the Other Tongue. We need a day for the unmasked. We need a Day for the establishment of a committee to look into the revision of parameters made to measure the integrity of public servants. We need a Day to congratulate ourselves for not being forgetful of the theory of Divine selection of rulers. We need a visit-the-mall Day. We need a  Spine- is-Myth Day for the morally mis-abled wanna be powers too. A Day for the gullible public. And a Day for those cynical 'why-involve-sayers' who are blissfully ignorant of the stalking midnight knock. A Day for the Voters for making saleable victors possible. We need Days. Lots. A Digital Day to celebrate the death of science. A Day for Democracy for allowing itself to be reinvented along market-driven, fascist lines.  A Day for rotten cabbages. We need a Day for greater common good for keeping the spirit of the other alive as a market need. A Day for patriotism for those who think they only put country first. A Day for Patriotism for those who think they put only country first. We need Days for all. A Day for the digitally duplicitous. We need a Moron collection Day. We need a Day for roasted peanuts. A Day for tattered blankets too.  A Global halitosis Day. A Day for the gatherer of Chicken shop waste. A Day to mourn the unborn boot-licks. We need Days.  


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