I have never had the whole traffic blocked so that me, my vehicle, can pass. I have never had my document altered so that I can claim to posses a pice of land which I. Fact belongs to the government. I have never kick backs for doing what I should do as a natural part of my responsibility. None buttered my fingers and made me sing on the line so that a company can make profits. I never looked the other way and claimed the stink doesn't exist when a whole town was corrupted because of the pollution of the city. I never looked the other way when the commerce of a holy city impressed up on me tang I should have more faith in the moolah than the mankind.
I never denied what every dog on the road knows when naked political murders happen. I never denied when naked community inspired violence occurs. I never sought shelter under the mask of propriety and expedience, after doing what is plain dirty. I never sought an entry into a committee on the sheer weight of the colour of my political affiliation. I never enjoyed the benefit of political inbreeding while keeping a moral visor upfront. I never jumped into a chair by licking political feet, reeking in community flavour. I never sacrificed the good of the many so that the greed of the few be realised.
I never hobnobbed with criminals so that I can bypass the rule of the law. I never short changed the elected governments that my purse will thicken. I never selected people on the basis of their communal configurations. I never told white unashamed lies assuming that the man on the road will uncritically lick my words up. I never allowed money to prostitute Nature so that my party and my family can fatten itself. I never made it a habit to eat my own words. I never started a party to serve the people and taught it to serve itself.
I never insulted intelligence of the common man. I never assumed that every district needs an airport. I never felt that whatever is green should be tagged tourist and is meant to be sold. I never made a crowd of self worth- denied wait for hours for me so that I can cut a ribbon. I never assumed that I can speak on any topic under the Sun. I never sold the public institutions for thirty thousand crores of silver. I never conducted sham interviews and signed beneath the a list of nepotistic. I never asked anyone to put people to control universities considering the flexibility of their back and the thickness of their skins.
I am the man in the road. I need to reclaim the road. I need to be. I welcome anyone who is ready to broom up the Aegean stables.
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