Of the many institutions upended by the onslaught of social media, propelled by technology, is the mansion of punctuation. Much hallowed corridors of the house of Punctuation have been taken apart and occasionally differently put together by the social media practices. The outcome is a state of affairs in which many of us, not just the millennial, find ourselves switching allegiances and often enjoying the delights of the new converts, breaking many of the sacrosanct norms of the full stop & comma practices we are drilled into. The weird mix ups of symbols, excess, irrational presence and inexplicable absences too characterize it. But certain of these nouveau norms of non-punctuation are interesting. The one I really found sensible for reasons perhaps best known only to me is the case of multiple periods. Though Americans call it period, we have never cared much to call a ‘full stop’ a ‘period’. Rather, we have enjoyed the power and absolute sense of finality of the s...