It has become common place to confess. It is worth searching since when the turn to confession as a viable form of marketing was born. Initially it was a sincere attempt on the part of the Motor Vehicle manufacturers to put a wrong right. When the benefit hind sight affords the manufacturers to spot a defect in the architecture or a part of it, the company recalls a batch of products to address the defect. But going by the current spike in the rate of recalls, one suspects a movement which is more commercial in nature. Are there actual defects which prompt the recall of thousands of vehicles? Or are the defects deliberately manufactured? Something which could be routinely corrected in a periodic service, are these being blown out of proportions so that the company's profile could be uplifted? Are the motor vehicle manufacturers too hitchhiking on the confession bandwagon? Confess to sell. Confess without criming and sell. Confession as a market gimmick. What if the scenari...
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