Jagathi Sreekumar, the actor has retired for the time being. A motor accident has wrecked havoc with his mind. He has travelled beyond the din of the actual into a calm of the within. He goes through the motions. Let us hope that there will be more light at the end of the tunnel, that the comedian nonpareil for the Malayalees will return us to quality laughter. Quality laughter is a complex term, as it is a slippery feel. if humour is the process and laughter the product, as the theorists say, then quality laughter must be the result of quality humour. The blank which Jagathy has left behind is a yawning divide in the lives of the average Keralite who loved a good laugh, but rarely at the expense of the female of the species. The miss of the real is felt when we have to live with the kind of replacements which have materialised in the guise of comedians. When the quintessential humour gives way to pedestrian buffoonery, pathos of the viewer bring the m...
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