New Format for NET Exam: Some Objective Thoughts A curious move made by the University Grants Commission recently is the decision to change the format of the UGC / CSIR-NET to a completely objective/ Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format. Till now, the test followed a format in which both Multiple Choice questions and descriptive ones were used, with wise emphasis on descriptive questions. From this June 2012 onwards, there will be no more descriptive type questions in the new format NET exam and the overall marking will be based purely on the objective / multiple choice kinds of questions. The move has raised many an eye brow and it is not only the language and literature departments which are keen to know the rationale for this kind of a change. The CSIR / NET examinations are held twice a year to certify postgraduates who can move to teaching / research. The National Educational Testing Bureau of University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts National Eligibility Test...
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